Comment: Global Application Switch is too hidden

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Comment: Global Application Switch is too hidden

Post by zaobab »

I've been using Loud Typer for a long while and consider it essential. (Thank you also for helping me restore the purchase via the App Store)

One day I found myself--every time I had a moment--fiddling with Loud Typer because it had stopped making any sounds. Even trying to test other sounds through the Sound Themes tab, I didn't hear anything. I might try to uninstall the app and then reinstall the app, nothing.

I was typing to open a issue ticket and then I realized that on the Misc tab is the Global Application Switch. I finally saw that at some point I had selected the "Application is: Off" radio button.

It felt like Global Sound Theme, Sound Volume, and the Global Application Switch really needed to be on another tab, perhaps labeled "Main." I find myself switching between Sound Themes and Applications because switching a keyboard sound also means I need to fine tune the max volume.

I second the feature request to remember Max volume set with output device. For me the only time I need to go and bring the volume way down is when I play the sound via external speakers-- the keyboard sounds always feels way louder compared to the music playing, when compared to the balance set via built-in speakers or headphones.

Thank you so much for this lifesaver app. My wrist strain is much less because of it.

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Re: Comment: Global Application Switch is too hidden

Post by Mr. Kibernetik »

Thank you for your comments and suggestions.

Regarding Global Application Switch.
You can turn on/off Loud Typer by:
- pressing ^⌘L
or by
- selecting "Active" in top menu bar Loud Typer icon menu
or by
- selecting Global Application Switch in Misc tab of Loud Typer settings panel
also you can always check Loud Typer on/off status by looking at top menu bar Loud Typer icon.

Please note that top menu bar Loud Typer icon is available if it is not disabled in application settings.
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