Breaking news....

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Breaking news....

Post by Henko »

For iPad only. Easily expandable with more text blocks.
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Code: Select all

r=8 ! rr=24 ! rrrx=42-rr ! rrry=32-rr
eyes(0,0) ! pause 1 ! wink()
do slowdown
  for dx=rrrx to -rrrx step -5
  if rnd(1)<.1 then wink()
  eyes(dx,dy) ! pause .2
  next dx
  until not saying()

def eyes(dx,dy)
if abs(dx)>.rrrx or abs(dy)>.rrry then return
fill color 1,.95,.79 ! fill poly .x1,.y1 ! fill poly .x2,.y2
fill color .4,0.4,1
fill circle .e1x+dx,.e1y+dy size .rr
fill circle .e2x+dx,.e2y+dy size .rr
fill color 0,0,0
fill circle .e1x+dx,.e1y+dy size .r
fill circle .e2x+dx,.e2y+dy size .r
end def

def wink()
fill color 1,.8,.2
fill poly .x1,.y1 ! fill poly .x2,.y2
pause .2
end def

def say_text(k)
if k=1 then
t$="We interrupt the program for an important breaking news item. "
t$&=" One hour ago, the Senate voted against the impeachement of " 
t$&=" president Trump. Not a single republican was to be found on the side " 
t$&=" of the democrats. The presidents reaction was immediate, " 
t$&=" thanking his loyal party members and telling the democrats " 
t$&=" that the wrath of the people of america would be upon them. "
t$&=" The president also said that he would veto the social act "
t$&=" from the democrats, because those who choose not to work "
t$&=" shall not eat either. And the same goes for democrats one "
t$&=" could hear him murmur. "
t$&="And now back to our discussion program about the pros and "
t$&="cons of putting ice in Kentucky Bourbon in stead of Tenessee whiskey."
end if
say voice "en-GB" ! say rate 0.8+0.2*rnd(1)
say text t$
end def

def init_prog()
option angle degrees
graphics ! graphics clear .8,.8,.8 ! draw color 0,0,0
dim .x1(20),.y1(20),.x2(20),.y2(20),.med(8)
dim .vx1(5),.vy1(5),.vx2(5),.vy2(5),.vx3(9),.vy3(9),.vx4(9),.vy4(9)
data 301,397, 482,397
data 277,366, 256,375, 246,393, 249,418, 257,424, 270,428
data 292,432, 320,432, 341,427, 345,412, 345,391, 338,374
data 324,364, 299,361, 277,366
data 479,359, 470,360, 452,367, 440,381, 432,398, 430,411
data 433,420, 437,427, 445,431, 461,433, 478,433, 500,430
data 520,424, 532,417, 534,406, 528,387, 515,367, 479,359
data 243,612, 75,643, 65,976, 385,976, 243,612
data 552,597, 700,640, 730,976, 385,976, 552,597
data 242,610, 210,616, 207,735, 261,718, 263,725
data 208,741, 348,976, 385,976, 242,610
data 552,592, 580,602, 582,731, 524,708, 521,714
data 579,737, 408,976, 368,976, 552,592
data 9884,9875,11088,57647,58117,58135,58636,58653
read .e1x,.e1y, .e2x,.e2y
for i=0 to 14 ! read .x1(i),.y1(i) ! next i
for i=0 to 17 ! read .x2(i),.y2(i) ! next i
for i=0 to 4 ! read .vx1(i),.vy1(i) ! next i
for i=0 to 4 ! read .vx2(i),.vy2(i) ! next i
for i=0 to 8 ! read .vx3(i),.vy3(i) ! next i
for i=0 to 8 ! read .vx4(i),.vy4(i) ! next i
for i=0 to 7 ! read .med(i) ! next i
draw font size 600
draw text chr$(58114) at 100,580 
draw font size 500
draw text chr$(58648) at 140,200 
fill color .7,.3,.2
fill poly .vx1,.vy1 ! fill poly .vx2,.vy2
fill color .6,.2,.2
fill poly .vx3,.vy3 ! fill poly .vx4,.vy4
draw font size 40 ! draw text chr$(.med(rnd(8))) at 240,750
end def

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